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the leadership of my company to participate in a series of research activities carried out in beijin -九游会ag

[date:09-11-08] [hot:] [author:admin]
    october 23, 2009 - october 26, the company chairman of inquiry into a line should be the organizers of the warm invitation to participate in a series of industry seminars in beijing, qingdao and other places.
    october 23 in qingdao to participate in a two-day "2009 military supporting new material forum. the forum focused on the new principle of the defense industry new materials, new technology, high-performance; the development trend of international military and new materials; high strength and high modulus polyethylene fibers application status in the military field and market development; explore the application of innovation and cooperation of the military material a new model to break the existing military requirements, high-performance materials to bring innovative solutions to the military industrial enterprises. the conference on the achievements of my research in high performance fiber materials, special equipment, gave full affirmation and praise.

    october 26 in beijing to attend the sponsored "by the china national defense science and technology enterprise management association, the military and research cooperation and equipment procurement information seminars". the meeting invited the troops, defense industry, military weaponry, and business representatives to explore the military and scientific research cooperation mode, build a platform for cooperation of the military and scientific research, establish long-term cooperation mechanism to promote business with the military to achieve effective docking, and promote the application of advanced civilian technology and products in the military market. , chairman inquiry into the meeting, statements were made, and the delegates in-depth and detailed conversation, very profitable.

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