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enthusiastic to join the charity committed to giving back to home -九游会ag

[date:09-11-28] [hot:] [author:admin]
    enthusiastic to join the charity committed to giving back to home
- remember i am chairman of an inquiry participate in yancheng democratic national construction association "think of the project" reproductive care and assistance activities
    the morning of november 26, 2009, "think of the project organized by the yancheng cndca and shi jisheng association fertility care assistance payment distribution ceremony was held in the salt district justice fengzhen. municipal cppcc vice chairman, members of the public build-chairman xiao ziying, municipal family planning commission, secretary tang bindeng leadership as well as our chairman of inquiry into (cdnca entrepreneurs) for family planning special family, the righteous fengzhen 40 per household distributed relief funds.
   our chairman inquiry into as an ordinary entrepreneurs to grow up entrepreneurs, deeply felt every step of the development of the enterprise can not be separated from the community and the strong support and enthusiasm to help, they should return to the community, for the folks drowned their sorrows share those concerns. therefore, his charity work each year are donated for the relief of the poor children, helping the poor and bridges and build roads and other public welfare undertakings. this "source project" maternity care action is the provincial democratic national construction association, the family planning association, and family planning commission will be co-sponsored, designed to help the poor, disabled birth families out of poverty. aware of such activities, the chairman of inquiry into actively participated in the maternity care activities for the economic difficulties of family planning to do their humble.

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